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Road Trips

I like road trips, I like the idea of mapping out a course using the atlas, packing my favorite snacks and listening to my travel tunes and then forgetting the world as I only focus on driving and the sights before me. I find this relaxing as it allows me the rare moments to let my mind wonder and possibly imagine. I have traveled all over the U.S. for work and vacations over the years but I wanted to drive those roads again and see some familiar sights that hold a lot of memories and to explore some new ones.

It has been interesting and sometimes overwhelming as I went through a town or section of this great country at the memories that came flooding back that I had not thought of in 20-30 years. Distant memories of people, conversations, places and events. Some areas have changed so much that I am so glad I saw them before all the growth and modernization of today.

Being on a road trip has pro's and con's. Running into rain, hail, construction and heavy traffic are just part of the adventure while driving. There were a few times I had to pull over due to the rain/hail as the roads had become dangerous due to not being able to see. On one drive I pulled over at a truck stop and detailed the inside of the car while waiting for the storm to pass, it also helped for me to stay busy so I didn't think about the hail hitting my baby car. I have to schedule service days into my time line as my car is a key member of this adventure and it gives me piece of mind. My baby car had a "spa day" this week by getting new brakes and tires.

It helps to be flexible while on a road trip as you might have picked up a nail in your tire and spend the morning getting that fixed instead of putting miles behind you. You hit traffic and end up going at a snail pace for several hours. The picture above was my view for over two hours while I tried to complete the last 23 miles to arrive at Key Largo, FL. Holiday traffic on a Saturday was painful but it was part of the adventure and I learned that I will not arrive on a Saturday again if I drive.

So where has this road trip taken me? Arkansas to Oklahoma, Oklahoma to Texas (twice), Oklahoma to North Carolina, North Carolina to New York, New York to New Hampshire and Maine, Maine to Georgia, Georgia to Florida Keys and then up to Panama City Beach. America is one of the most beautiful countries. Each state has it's own special beauty from the mountains to the rugged coast and down to the keys that are only connected by bridges.

This road trip has been good for my soul as I've had down time, spent time with amazing friends and family and completed some more items on my Life To Do List!


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