I enjoyed Singapore and found it to be a safe and friendly city to visit. Very modern and urban with at least six shopping malls and every type of restaurant you could want.
Population is 5.4 M and growing. Government housing is provided for 80% of the population. You must be 35 years of age and married to get an apartment. If you live within a certain distance to your parents the government gives you an incentive as the elderly are taken very good care of but they want the families to remain close to help.
There are 1M cars in Singapore. They must buy a certificate in addition to the price of the car and the import cost of 200% that is valid for 10 years. These certificates range from $10,000 to $100,000 and is the governments way of trying to limit the number of cars. At the end of 10 years cars are scrapped not resold. If you want to extend your ownership for 5 years you must buy another certificate and the car will be scrapped at the end. I saw more Lamborghinis at one stop light than I have ever seen.
Space for housing of these growing populations and the gap between rich and poor is a struggle but I found this to be a place I will return to spend more time.