Traveler or Tourist?
Ciao from Sorrento, Italy! I arrived in Rome last Saturday, a day late due to delays at JFK-Kennedy. My luggage did not arrive with me...
Italy bound today...
Italy bound today to mark off another Life to Do List! I am going to Rome early to do some sightseeing prior to meeting up with my tour...
New Home Base... North Carolina
Got to do some fun and important things my last week in Oklahoma. Most important I got to see my great nephew Conner. I am very proud of...
2 months in...only one regret!
So two months ago yesterday I retired and started my twelve month journey of travel. I have been ask several times if I regretted the...
Travel Days...
I flew this week from Northwest Arkansas to Tallahassee, FL through Atlanta, GA. and back so travel days are fresh on my mind. I have a...
Houseboat living, yes please!
Checking off another life to do list item this week to "stay on a houseboat". Found this rental online and love that my friends are...
Pure joy!
I am behind on postings, this shot was taken last week when my brothers and niece took me up to my brothers hunting land in Oklahoma to...
South Padre Island, TX
I spent my birthday last week traveling with some of my family as we finalized our drive to South Padre Island to enjoy the beach. The...
Going through reveiwing pictures of some of my past trips and came across my Kenya folders. Which picture out of thousands do I pick to...
Yurt in a Treehouse, yes please!
I spent years saying to myself that I wished I had done this or wished I could go see that and then one day I read a book about a man...